Cherokee County Schools Student Enrollment

Cherokee County Schools now utilizes PowerSchool Enrollment, an online system for registering and updating student information. This solution eliminates the need to complete paper packets and creates an efficient means for updating students’ information year after year. All required documents must be reviewed and approved before your child’s registration is considered complete. If you do not have access to a computer or mobile device (smartphone, tablet, etc) to complete the online registration, please contact the school where your student will be enrolled next year.

Which Online Form Do I Use?

● If your child is enrolling in Kindergarten for the fall and attended Pre-K in a Cherokee County school, you will complete the Returning Student form. You may receive an email with your child’s snapcode if you provided an email address to the school while your child was in Pre-K. If you do not, please contact your child's school or for a snapcode to register as a returning Student.

● Registering Kindergarteners who did not attend Pre-K with Cherokee County Schools will complete the new student form.

Returning/Current Students:

Click on this current sentence to access the returning/current student form. The link is also typed out here:

● You will need the 15 digit snapcode from your school. Check your email for a message from PowerSchool Enrollment or email for help.

New students:

Click on this current sentence to access the new student form. The link is also typed out here:

New students must also visit the enrolling school to provide the following:

  • ● Withdrawal Forms From Previous School

    ● Proof of Custody When Warranted

    ● Student’s Valid Social Security Card (optional)

    ● Age Verification (Birth certificate)

    ● Original Blue Immunization Form (Must be up-to-date)

    ● Proof of Residency – Must provide two (2) of the following and Photo ID:

    ○ Copy of lease or mortgage agreement

    ○ Copy of current utility bill in a parent’s/guardian’s name (power, gas, water, telephone, etc.)

    ○ Property Tax Notice, Voters Registration Card